How Does it Work

What is Deer Antler Velvet
Deer antler velvet has been used as a natural supplement for 2000 years. It wasn't until 1990 that it became popular in the USA due to the presence of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), leading to controversy and increased popularity. Some athletes sought it for its potential performance-enhancing effects, while regulatory bodies scrutinized its use.
- Joint and Bone Health
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties
- Athletic Performance and Recovery
- Immune System Support
- Energy and Stamina
- Anti-Aging Effects
- Sexual Health
- Cognitive Function
- Cardiovascular Health
Deer antler velvet is best taken twice daily on an empty stomach or between meals to enhance absorption; it can also be mixed with other herbs, such as Shilajit, which will also enhance absorption
The dosage is typically 1 to 4 capsules daily. Start on a low dose and gradually increase it to assess tolerance.
The active ingredients include:
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 IGF-1: This benefits cell growth and faster recovery times, repairing stimulating protein synthesis
Collagen: Essential for the structural integrity of skin, cartilage, bones, and connective tissues.
Glucosamine: Natural compound that plays a vital role in building cartilage, the tough tissue that cushions joints.
Deer Antler Velvet Supplement Facts

What to Expect with Deer Antler velvet
When to use
How long till it works
One week
1-4 x 500mg capsules daily
Athletic Performance and Recovery
Candance Leverette –
Fast product delivery Too soon to state if i feel a difference Easy to swallow capsules
Lamar Towns –
Arrived days ahead of schedule. Good quality. 👍🏾
Chris –
Very happy with this purchase. I will purchase again.
Ginger Brown –
Have used for 30 days and can tell improvement with inflammation
Kevin Frimpong –
I don’t know what’s in this stuff but it makes me feel like a GOD in the gym and has been giving me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more confidence with the ladies. I must say they look ag me like they can smell my animal pheromones. This stuff is no joke.
Traci –
Shipping was excellent. Will order again.
G B –
Helps with inflammation. Helps with red ears
Adam Sherman –
like a real natural stimulant for my muscles and heart. amazing stuff. feel your biceps and forearms swell aftwr eating a capsule.
Charles –
Helps with strength training and libido,
Kevin Frimpong –
I feel MORE masculine in the gym and at work. I swear girl’s can pick up more on my own natural pheromones when I use this. Haven’t even finished my first bag and already ordered more.
Marie –
This stuff is magic. My husband swears by it!
Seeking TruthinChrist –
This product gives you a burst of energy and it helps to build muscle too!
barbaramlavergne –
I’am a senior well into my seventies, still pushing a med cart. My arthritis is painful but this has given me so much relief and my walking is stronger and faster. YES! this is a keeper
Jordan –
It works and is ergonomically feasible. Helps my testosterone levels regulate.
Shadee Walker –
Shit make me feel strong as hell and I look it a little bit too. This plus doing Semen Retention will have feeling like Thor. I could tear some cheeks for hours with this shit too
Cassius Peat –
Great product would use again!
Dustain Pritchard –
Yes Yes Yes yes Yes
Candance Leverette –
Seems to be helping with inflammation
Alexia Icenhower –
This product could put viagra out of service 😂
ufo15 –
Great for Arthritis .. it drops the pain level and allows more movement. It does not fix or cure it.. but makes it more bearable and I use less narcotics